Illustrations for famous for its taste and friendliness Vilnius office supplies store "Raštinė" summer task book for kids and shop windows decoration. The amount of joy I received doing this project is astonishing and dear to my heart. Big thanks for the whole "Raštinė" crew for their collaborative friendliness.
The theme of the task book is the accent on the very small adventures happening day to night during summer. They became visible if you are alert and pay attention. For example: imagining that trees' leafage is a hairstyle and every tree has a different one or that squirrels use trees' branches as people use roads. Or the horror and the excitement counting how many mosquitos bites you received while picking blueberries.

I wanted to make a graphic form which would resemble nature in a way that is optic and mesmerising like a willow leafage is.

The task book was made by riso printing technique by amazing girls from Hands on press printing house.